Straight arrow 17
Apache Raiders
Straight arrow: owner of the broken bow ranch/ Steve Adams
Dr. Eben Whiteley: good friend of Comanche
Linero: blood thirsty chieftain
Harker: lieutenant
Deegan: colonel
Apache were great enemies of Comanche, Kiowa, Osages and white men. They attacked Comanche but straight arrow helped Comanche to get rid of those Apache. For a short time period they were safe from the evil intentions of Apache but straight arrow knew they won’t keep quiet for long and would attack again. On the other hand Apache warriors kidnapped Dr. Eben Whiteley to take weapons and food from him. They planned to kill him if he refused to give them what they need. Harker saw the Apache and informed colonel Deegan what he saw. Colonel Deegan prepared his army to get Apache but they failed. Straight arrow met colonel Deegan, who was sad to tell about failed attempt of finding Apache. Straight arrow had an idea. He, along with Comanche warriors followed the trail and reached Apache tepees. Straight arrow heard they were going to kill Whiteley that night at torture stake. He guided the Comanche warriors to strike fired arrows in Apache village. Then he went through the village and freed Whiteley. Comanche warriors flew back to their village while straight arrow and Whiteley on fury were trying to escape from the Apache. They went into the mountain where colonel Deegan could easily see him. In this way colonel Deegan found Apache. Straight arrow was confused how colonel found him. Colonel told him he saw the fires and reached here.
Straight Arrow-The Trapped in Bat Cave
Straight arrow: owner of the broken bow ranch/ Steve Adams
Jed Jeffers: dynamiter at mines
Steve Adams found some bonds and dollar bills outside his broken bow ranch. He was examining them that suddenly sheriff came and accused him of doing train robberies and keeping lost bonds. Steve Adams tried to clear his position but sheriff wasn’t listening to him. Steve had no other way other than to escape and find the real robbers. He tricked sheriff and his fellow, and ran away. Steve went to sundown valley and transformed into straight arrow so nobody could recognize him. On his way he found a boy who told him that three men took Jed with them. Straight arrow was confused why the robbers took a dynamiter with them. He followed the trail and reached the bat cave where he saw Jed digging a pit for robbers to hide their loot in it. Somehow the robbers caught sight of straight arrow and inspite of straight arrow’s attack, they caught him. They asked straight arrow to dig the pit and Jed to fix the dynamite in it. Once they’re done with the work they’ll be freed. When straight arrow and Jed completed the work, they asked the three men to set them free but they refused and said they would die in this trap. Saying this, the three men ignited the fuse and went to the entrance of cave to see the prevent straight arrow and Jed from running. Jed was worried but straight arrow told him they would escape as he has covered the fuse line with war paint. The fuse made a lot of smoke due to which bats started moving out of the cave. Straight arrow quickly broke the fuse, untied himself and freed Jed. Then tanking the advantage of smoke and bat herds, they escaped out of the cave. The smoke and bat were enough to catch attention of robbers. Soon after escaping the bat cave, straight arrow caught the three robbers and handed them over to sheriff. Then when sheriff saw Steve Adam, he apologized for doubting him.
Straight Arrow- Death by Inches
Straight arrow: owner of the broken bow ranch/ Steve Adams
Bad Eye: renegade Comanche
Red hand: chief of Comanche Comanche along with straight arrow were enjoying their festival while bad eye was planning to finish his biggest enemy, straight arrow. Bad eye made a group of banished people who also hated straight arrow, and told them the plan. They stole the scared tomahawk and made a trail for straight arrow to follow when he goes out to find tomahawk. Unaware of the trap, straight arrow followed the trail and was captured by bad eye and his gang. Bad eye had built a torture stake for straight arrow. He tied straight arrow on it and left to pursue his other mission. On the other hand red hand and Comanche warriors were waiting for straight arrow and sacred tomahawk. When it was too late to expect arrival of straight arrow and tomahawk, they started their festival. Poor straight arrow was stuck in the trap. He had an idea. He raised a little upwards to cut his ropes and get rid of the death stake. Then he quickly took his fury and followed the trail of bad eye. He used the scared tomahawk to defeat bad eye and make his plan unsuccessful. He took the banished men to Comanche village and asked red hand to imprison them. All the renegades were captured except bad eye, who used gun powder to make fire and escaped. But since the stolen tomahawk was back, the Comanche enjoyed the festival.