Straight Arrow 48
Straight Arrow-The Treasure of Don Carlos
Straight arrow: Steve Adams
Don Diablo: bandit and outlaw
Don Miguel: a man punished by don Diablo
Don Diablo was a bandit and outlaw who raided and robbed so swiftly that nobody could catch him. He took tribute from the people and he imprisoned those who refused to pay him tribute. On day he was told a legend would come and he would lose his everything. The legend, straight arrow did come, when don Diablo stole Comanche furs and hides. Straight arrow went to his castle but before he could reach him, he saw don Diablo’s prisoners and he freed them. Don Diablo sent his men to fight straight arrow but all of them were outnumbered. Don Diablo blasted the dungeon where straight arrow and prisoners were present but straight arrow stood determined and hold up the stone wall to prevent it from falling. When everyone was out, straight arrow let the stone framework fall. It fell and revealed the hidden treasure of don Diablo. Straight arrow caught him to send him behind bars. Then he took the stolen furs and hides of Comanche people and headed back to his village.
Straight Arrow- Tyrant of the Snows
Straight arrow: Steve Adams
Walrus tusk: giant Eskimo
Tioga: Comanche warrior
An old man visited different tribes to tell his story to the one who bends a bow he had. No one was ever successful in bending that bow. When that old man reached Comanche village, straight arrow bent that bow. The old man was amazed. The old man told him about walrus tusk, the renegade Eskimo who has troubled everyone. He asks straight arrow to go along him and defeat him. Straight arrow agreed and they went to Eskimo country. For some days straight arrow lived like the people there used to live. Then one day he caught walrus raiding. When walrus realized straight arrow has more strength than him, he ran away. Straight arrow followed him. Walrus left his wolves to kill straight arrow but Straight arrow threw fishes to keep them busy. Then he again fought with walrus who escaped again. He left his giant polar bear to kill straight arrow but straight arrow made him fall into river and finally caught walrus. Walrus tricked straight arrow and pushed him in water. Straight arrow came out of water and went on a nearby iceberg. Unfortunately the foot of walrus got stuck in ice, on the iceberg which turned upside down and he died. The evil rewarded Walrus itself.
Straight Arrow-A Day for Straight Arrow
Straight arrow: Steve Adams
Black Bart heron: outlaw
Wild bill Hickok, Bat Masterson: sheriffs
Black Bart, the most wanted outlaw, called straight arrow, wild bill and bat Masterson to defeat him in his games to make him their prisoner peacefully. If the three failed, he would be pardoned for his crimes. The three braves went to black Bart and were warmly welcomed there. The games started next day. All three braves played really well but when it was the turn of riddles, wild bill and bat Masterson failed. When the same riddles were asked from straight arrow, he gave right answers. Black Bart must have gone with them peacefully but he refused and ordered him men to get the three of them. His men threatened straight arrow to leave otherwise they would kill the other two braves. Straight arrow left that place to save his fellows but returned after implanting his fake statue on fury. He caught black Bart and went back with his fellows, to get black Bart imprisoned.