Straight Arrow 12
Straight Arrow – The Return of Black Feather
Steve Adams: owner of the broken bow ranch/straight arrow
Black feather: bad man
Diablo: black feather’s horse
Black feather, a man full of hatred and rage escaped from the jail. He had so much hatred in his heart for straight arrow and US army that he made a plan to take revenge from them by finishing them. As soon as straight arrow came to know about block feather’s escape, he prepared himself for facing him. Straight arrow took his best, sharpest weapons and went to find black feather on his great palomino fury. He challenged black feather who accepted it and left a trail for straight arrow to follow him. Straight arrow following the trail passed by a broken stage, a burnt house of settlers and the silver mine. He found a man who was struck by black feather’s arrow. Straight arrow helped him and made a call for the doctor. That man told straight arrow that black feather is planning something dangerous as he had taken a lot of dynamites and fuse pump. Straight arrow became alert and continued his journey to find black feather. Finally he reached the place where black feather was planting the dynamite. Straight arrow attacked him; they both fought but suddenly fall from a cliff. They became unconscious. Diablo was about to kill straight arrow but fury saved his master’s life. Fury scared Diablo and made him run away. Soon black feather came into his senses. He rushed towards to top of the mountain when he saw that US army is arriving. Straight arrow woke up too and came to know about black feather’s plan when he saw US army coming towards him. He got up quickly and broke the hanging thread of fuse. Then he caught black feather and sent him back to the prison.
Straight Arrow-The Treasure Coach
Steve Adams: owner of the broken bow ranch/straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s sidekick/ close associate
Bart: thief
Stage robbery of gold carrying stages had become very common. Steve set off to find out who was leaking the information of payload carrying stages. Steve, Packy and Molly were sitting in a stage when some masked robbers came and tried to rob the stage. Steve saved the stage from getting robbed and scared the robbers. The stage rider thanked Steve for saving him and the payload. Steve and Packy went to the stage line office to discuss the matter. The owner told him that nobody knows which of the five stages carrying gold is until the team is hitched. They were talking that suddenly Packy pointed out someone was listening them. Steve tried to follow but couldn’t get him. The next day Steve transformed into straight arrow to explore more about the robbers. He saw a stage being robbed. Straight arrow ran after the robbers but then started following the stage to rescue it as it was going down the narrow path. Straight arrow saved it from falling down the cliff. The girl in the stage thanked straight arrow and asked him why he’s got a palomino like the one in lead horses. This gave straight arrow a hint. He went to Packy and told him that stage robbers rob the stage with a palomino as the palomino is an indication that gold is present on this stage. When Packy asked for the proof, straight arrow stopped a stage passing by, changed its one horse with his palomino fury and set down to observe it. Soon the robbers came to rob that stage. Now it was sure that straight arrow was thinking right. Straight arrow and Packy followed the masked gang when the gang got angry on not finding gold on that stage. Straight arrow knew they would go to the man who is being all this. When they followed him, they got to know Bart was the person who was tricking everybody and making these robberies happen. Straight arrow caught him and solved the mystery of stage robbery.
Straight Arrow- The Pipe of War
Steve Adams: owner of the broken bow ranch/straight arrow
Packy: Steve’s sidekick/ close associate
Flying bear: Comanche
Colonel Deegan: colonel
Vittorio: apache
The apache raided the Comanche village at night and stole their scared red wood pipe of peace. Steve was hunting the big cat when he saw the apache coming to him. He jumped into the water to make them think he had died. When the Apache were gone, Steve came out of the water and ran to the sundown valley, as he sensed the approaching danger. Steve transformed into straight arrow and went to the Comanche village. There he got to know about the stolen pipe of peace. Straight arrow told them he would go and warn the settlers first but Comanche were thinking something else. They were ready for a war. Hence Straight arrow went with the Comanche warriors to attack the apache. To their surprise, they found only one apache when they reached the place where fire was burning. The apache warriors had already gone to attack the settlers many hours ago. Flying bear wanted to kill that apache but straight arrow stopped him and asked him to send this man to fort, he’ll be punished there. Straight arrow rushed to warn the settlers by going through the shortest route. Once he warned the settlers, everyone became alert. On seeing this Vittorio became angry. He ordered his men to throw arrows with fire onto the defenders. Straight arrow stood with the white men on their support. On the other hand two of the Comanche people had made colonel aware of the entire situation. Colonel ordered his army to rescue the people from apache’s attack. Soon other Comanche warriors reached the settlers place, straight arrow and white men joined them and they caught apache. Apache surrendered and returned them their sacred pipe. Soon colonel reached with his army and caught them to punish them.